Safaris in South Africa
- Kruger and the Draken Mountains
We offer safaris in the famous Kruger Nationalpark and the Draken Mountains, with the owner and safari-guide Leonard Busani who has 18 years experience as a tourguide and a tracker for 5 years.
Leonard is the owner and director of the company but has teamed up with two Danish contact persons (Pernille Bennike and Mads Bunch).
We currently offer three different types of safaris, but we are happy to tailor a safaris that fits your needs and wishes (see the options under "Safaris").
We are also specialists when it comes to birdwatching, since Leonard knows many species and their songs and calls.
Leonard Busani

Leonard is the founder and owner of Matengu
Kruger Safaris. He has been leading safaris in
Kruger National Park and the Greater Kruger
Area for 18 years and a tracker for 5 years.
He also has a passion for birds and knows many
species of birds and songs and calls. He is fluent
in English, several South African languages
- and he also speaks a little Danish too.
His extensive official education includes:
Tracking Course
The Art of Track'fig
Track&Sign Level 2
Guiding Course
From the Ekukhanyeni Training Center:
CathSSeta Certificate Level 2

Pernille Bennike (Denmark)
Pernille has travelled extensively: USA, Central America, Australia, Vietnam, New Zealand, and all over Europe but she always return to Greenland and Africa :-)
She has been on safaris/tours in Kenya, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Ethiopia and 5 times with Leonard Busani as guide in Kruger Park, South Africa, the last trip 10 days in November 2023.
Mads Bunch, ph.d. (Denmark)
Mads has been a tour-guide in the birdwatching tour-companies DOF-Travel and Scanbird for over 25 years. He has travelled extensively in the US, Europe, and of course Africa, where he lived half a year in Angola i 1983 as a child. Safaris in countries include: Angola, Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania and South Africa. He is a very skilled birdwatcher and experienced tour-guide.​